Filtering by: “Preparing For the Unexpected: Addressing Racist and Biased Remarks with My Kids”

Preparing for the Unexpected: Addressing Racist and Bias Remarks With My Kids

Preparing for the Unexpected: Addressing Racist and Bias Remarks With My Kids

*Times are Listed in EST

In addition to having planned conversations with your child, moments that provide an opportunity to discuss racism and bias arise when we aren't expecting it, and we must say something. This workshop will focus on speaking up in the moment when racist and biased incidents occur. Through the use of scenarios, participants will have a chance to think through their responses and learn a number of sentence starters as options for support in speaking up in the moment. Thinking through and practicing what we might say in these moments can help build our confidence for when these opportunities do arise.

Facilitators: Natalie Ginsberg, Michelle Felder

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Preparing For the Unexpected: Addressing Racist and Biased Remarks with My Kids

Preparing For the Unexpected: Addressing Racist and Biased Remarks with My Kids

*Times listed are in EST

**Before attending any of our workshops below, we strongly recommend you watch the 1-hour recording of our foundational course 'Talking About Race and Racism with My Child'; found on the Family Workshop Home Page

In addition to having planned conversations with your child, moments that provide an opportunity to discuss racism and bias arise when we aren't expecting it, and we must say something. This workshop will focus on speaking up in the moment when racist and biased incidents occur. Through the use of scenarios, participants will have a chance to think through their responses and learn a number of sentence starters as options for support in speaking up in the moment. Thinking through and practicing what we might say in these moments can help build our confidence for when these opportunities do arise.

Facilitators: Michelle Felder, Natalie Ginsburg

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Preparing For the Unexpected: Addressing Racist and Biased Remarks with My Kids

Preparing For the Unexpected: Addressing Racist and Biased Remarks with My Kids

*Times listed are in EST

*Note: Talking About Race and Racism with Your Child is the Prerequisite for this Workshop. Upon completing the prerequisite workshop, a code will be given to participants that will unlock the ticket to this event. (Sign up for prerequisite Workshop: here).

In addition to having planned conversations with your child, moments that provide an opportunity to discuss racism and bias arise when we aren't expecting it, and we must say something. This workshop will focus on speaking up in the moment when racist and biased incidents occur. Through the use of scenarios, participants will have a chance to think through their responses and learn a number of sentence starters as options for support in speaking up in the moment. Thinking through and practicing what we might say in these moments can help build our confidence for when these opportunities do arise.

Facilitators: Michelle Felder, Natalie Ginsburg

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Preparing For the Unexpected: Addressing Racist and Biased Remarks with My Kids

Preparing For the Unexpected: Addressing Racist and Biased Remarks with My Kids

*Times listed are in EST

*Note: Talking About Race and Racism with Your Child is the Prerequisite for this Workshop. Upon completing the prerequisite workshop, a code will be given to participants that will unlock the ticket to this event. (Sign up for prerequisite Workshop: here).

In addition to having planned conversations with your child, moments that provide an opportunity to discuss racism and bias arise when we aren't expecting it, and we must say something. This workshop will focus on speaking up in the moment when racist and biased incidents occur. Through the use of scenarios, participants will have a chance to think through their responses and learn a number of sentence starters as options for support in speaking up in the moment. Thinking through and practicing what we might say in these moments can help build our confidence for when these opportunities do arise.

Facilitators: Michelle Felder, Natalie Ginsburg

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