“Invigorating, purposeful, and necessary. Feeling empowered to get to work.”

- Attendee, 3-Day Anti-Bias and Social Justice Institute

Our Impact

We work with schools, districts, networks, and organizations all over the country

Our Coaching Workshops
We believe schools to be living organisms made up of three important stakeholders: staff, students, and families. We know that to understand a school deeply, one must live there so we design our Coaching experience to be one of understanding each community and developing a strong collaboration. We see ourselves as partners in this work and believe our most important work is the work done through that partnership with school sites, districts, networks and educational organizations, towards creating anti-bias educational communities.

Our Educator Workshops
Educator Workshops are a great way to gain a deeper understanding of our work and approach. Workshops span a number of different topics and allow educators, school leaders, and/or school support staff to do a deep dive into one area of focus.  Each workshop creates space for:

  • Engaging Content and Concrete Examples

  • Community Building and Personal Reflection

  • Small and Large Group Learning

  • Consideration of Application at One's Own School Site

Our Family Workshops
As the home/school wall has disappeared, we have been able to offer our services to families, and are humbled to have you join us as part of our larger work. There is no one way to do this, as humans are varied so are the experiences and conversations we have with our children. But we are committed to the ongoing work.

We offer all of our parent/caregiver workshops on a donation basis as we want to try and make it accessible to as many folks as possible. However, if you are able to give more, we appreciate it, as it allows us to continue to be of service in this capacity.

Our Educational Institutes
Educational Institutes are intended for school sites ready to shift school practice in an intentional way. These are 1-3 day intensive training sessions designed to share school integration practices, with a deeper understanding of anti-bias education and inclusive classroom practices.

Coaching Testimonials

The Director of English Language Arts at DC Prep shares her experience.

Principal of the Uptown Campus of the International School of Louisiana shares her experience over the years working with Roots ConnectED and developing their school’s Anti-Bias curriculum.

Executive Director Aqua Stovall, at SELF NOLA, shares how our coaching collaboration continues to support herself and her staff in implementing an anti-bias framework.

International School of Louisiana’s Jonathan Leggett and Rosa Alvarado share their experience Coaching with Roots ConnectED.

Educational Institutes Testimonials

This Principal shares their experience at our Inclusive Practices Institute, and describes what makes a Roots ConnectED professional development experience stand out from the others.

One school leader’s takeaways from the Roots ConnectED Inclusive Practices Institute. Hear the new perspectives they gained around Universal Design for Learning.

One Roots ConnectED Inclusive Practices Institute participant shares how the Institute gave them a new understanding of Universal Design for Learning, and left them feeling empowered.

One Roots ConnectED Anti-Bias Culture and Curriculum Institute participant shares personal reflections on the collaborative spirit of the Institute, and more.

Roots ConnectED Institute participant shares his experience at the 3-Day Roots ConnectED New Leaders Institute.

Educator Workshop Testimonials

Roots ConnectED Educator Workshop participant shares what she believes makes our organization unique, and impactful.

Roots ConnectED Educator Workshop participant shares reflections on the inspiring and supportive environment our workshops provide.

Family Workshop Testimonials

Roots ConnectED Family Workshop Participant describes her experience attending the Family Workshop ‘Reading Books With My Kids Using a Critical Literacy Lens’.

Roots ConnectED Family Workshop Participant describes her experience attending the Family Workshop ‘Reading Books With My Kids Using a Critical Literacy Lens’.