“Invigorating, purposeful, and necessary. Feeling empowered to get to work.”

- Attendee, 3-Day Anti-Bias and Social Justice Institute

Our Impact

Roots ConnectED uses a research-based Anti-Bias Education Framework to develop curriculum, culture, and learning environments centered in equity and justice. Our framework grew out of experiences leading in anti-bias classrooms and seeing its tools in action. Today it works in process with our Tree of Love; together forming a foundation to all our professional development.

What Participants Are Saying:

Of our Institute and Workshop participants:

  • 90% of Institute participants agreed the experience was engaging, the resources were helpful, and they would recommend it to a colleague

  • 100% of workshop participants responded saying the experience was engaging, the resources were helpful, and they would recommend it to a colleague

Of our Coaching clients:

  • 93% confirmed our coaching has shifted both mindset and practice

  • 100% stated that with us they have made specific practice and/or curriculum changes

What We Have Learned:

  • Connecting Counts: a human-centered approach deepens trust, learning, and collective transformation

  • Commitment Matters: educators who commit to ongoing personal work are best able to shift practice

  • Collaboration is Key: schools with structures that support collaboration are more likely to facilitate reflection and growth inclusive of multiple perspectives

  • Process Over Product: vision planning with a process focus supports sustainable change

  • Learning Cycle: teachers need opportunities to observe and be observed


For further insight into the impact of our work, we encourage you to watch the testimonials below. Hear the experience and better understand the outcome.

Student Impact

Coaching Impact

Executive Director Aqua Stovall, at SELF NOLA, shares how our coaching collaboration continues to support herself and her staff in implementing an anti-bias framework.

International School of Louisiana’s Jonathan Leggett and Rosa Alvarado share their experience Coaching with Roots ConnectED.

Institute Impact